
Companies would like to promote their products & the goal is to share, to market their influence to the community. Influencers like stay-at-home moms have needs and are looking for products and services they themselves can use in their households, and the market is them sharing the experience with friends and neighbors and social networks. This is a term called “social capital,” which is the truest representation of value and profit. The process of finding each other is much like ants searching for their food, updating records and tracking, accounting for one another. Barternihan is connecting two similar concepts used for making life easier, providing a space for companies to place their promotions and link them as simple as it can be. The right relationships with ready influencers can help improve life satisfaction for everyone involved. Barternihan came from a words Barter meaning to exchange things (such as products or services) for each other things instead of money and nihan extracted from the word Bayanihan, a Filipino term taken from the word bayan, referring to a nation, town or community. The whole term bayanihan refers to a spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular objective.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Piknik by Lampara Books

Story and Translation in English by Will P. Ortiz, Illustrated by Dominic Agsaway  

I'd known lots of variations about the classic story of The Monkey and The Turtle, most of these stories portrays the monkey as a cunning "friend" always taking advantage of the turtle.

Piknik (Picnic) by Will P. Ortiz however shared a different story of between the two, until the end their friendship remains! No hidden agenda or "cunning" ways on the monkey's part and it's definitely refreshing. 

The focus of the story is about appreciation of Nature which is a much needed topic that children should learn and for adults to pursue. All the developments we have on the 21st century had taken a toll in our environment and all people must be apart of conservation and rehabilitation on what's left of our Mother Nature. I'd like how the author gives few example on how children can take care of the environment in simple and doable ways. 

For mothers, fathers and guardian out there who wants to have quality time with their children, I recommend: Reading. It's affordable, you can do it in the comfort of your own house. It helps children to be open on larger concern of life and develop their character. For your children's books references, check Lampara Publishing you may want to visit them for book resources.

Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

Piknik by Lampara Books

Story and Translation in English by Will P. Ortiz, Illustrated by Dominic Agsaway  

I'd known lots of variations about the classic story of The Monkey and The Turtle, most of these stories portrays the monkey as a cunning "friend" always taking advantage of the turtle.

Piknik (Picnic) by Will P. Ortiz however shared a different story of between the two, until the end their friendship remains! No hidden agenda or "cunning" ways on the monkey's part and it's definitely refreshing. 

The focus of the story is about appreciation of Nature which is a much needed topic that children should learn and for adults to pursue. All the developments we have on the 21st century had taken a toll in our environment and all people must be apart of conservation and rehabilitation on what's left of our Mother Nature. I'd like how the author gives few example on how children can take care of the environment in simple and doable ways. 

For mothers, fathers and guardian out there who wants to have quality time with their children, I recommend: Reading. It's affordable, you can do it in the comfort of your own house. It helps children to be open on larger concern of life and develop their character. For your children's books references, check Lampara Publishing you may want to visit them for book resources.

Happy New Year and Happy Reading!